Web Resources

Storm Water Web Resources

Additional Storm Water Information:

After the Storm

     A new half hour television special about watersheds "After the Storm" was co-produced by The Weather Channel (TWC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

EPA Environmental Kids Club

     The EPA Environmental Kids club is designed for kids. The site includes lots of games, pictures and stories to facilitate kids understand our environment learn how to protect it.

EPA NPDES Storm Water Program:

     The EPA's official NPDES Storm Water program information site which contains an in-depth explanation of the permit requirements, answers to frequently asked questions, and a compliance guide.

EPA Nonpoint Source (NPS) Outreach Toolbox:


Storm Water Manager's Resource Center:

     The SMRC web site provides Phase II communities with the tools and techniques necessary to protect their watersheds and to enhance and restore their local water resources.

Permits Issued by MDEQ:

     This link provides types of General Permits and Notice of Intent forms issued by MDEQ.

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