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Dear Citizens of District One:

Thank you for expressing confidence in me and my convictions to make District One the best that it can be. I fully intend to prove myself the capable person that you elected to office as Supervisor of District One. I have committed and dedicated myself to the improvement of District One. My office is dedicated to handling your concerns, as they relate to the business of Hinds County, as honestly, efficiently, and professionally as possible. We are excited to serve you, the citizens of District One.

My vision for District One could very well usher us into the 21st century by expanding the business community to include introducing new businesses to the area and expanding the county internet site to provide citizens with timely information referencing county services and records. Yet, my vision will keep us grounded as a family-oriented community by bringing in unique entertainment and recreational options for the family.

However, we must first get a handle on issues that taint our community, such as crime, outdated facilities, and loss of businesses. When I say "we", I mean government agencies, business communities, neighborhood communities, and each and every individual. It will take all of us to reveal the "good" that we know has been lying dormant within District One.

Do you have a concern/comment about District One? Or maybe you would just like to see something special happen in District One. Let us know what’s on your mind. Send an email to or call 601-968-6756.



  • 54 years of age
  • Married for 15years
  • Three children
  • Native of Hinds County
  • Active member of Morning Star Baptist Church (sings in choir)
  • Graduated Lanier High School
  • Attended Mississippi College (minor in Public Relations)
  • Graduated Jackson State University
  • 35 years of service with the Jackson Police Department
  • Owner of Professional Dispatch Management 911
  • Currently attending Tulane University and Hinds Community College.


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  • 50,000 masks given away
  • 20,000 children mask (delivered to ALL schools in District One)
  • Two water giveaways
  • 500 cases of water
  • 20 cases of hand sanitizer

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  • Voted/Passed to hire a legal team to represent the board; Pieter Teeuwissen Attorney at Law Office.
  • Voted/Passed sponsoring the Rebirth Alliance (Organization that helps to promote the prevention of Breast Cancer) with a cash donation of $5000.00.
  • Voted/Passed and Implemented Video Arraignment.
  • Resolution for Northside Beautification Project.
  • Hire a permanent Board Attorney, Mr. Tony Gaylor.
  • New message boards for Hinds County.
  • Implemented the updating of equipment in the Hinds County Board Room.
  • Implemented Video Arraignment for Hinds County.
  • Purchase new lawn mower equipment for Sheriff's Office.
  • Purchase a jail maintenance system for Sheriff's Office.
  • Purchase new cars for Sheriff's Office.
  • Purchase new computer dispatch system for Sheriff's Office.
  • Deploying a mosquito maintenance system.
  • Code "Red" for Hinds County.
  • Privatize food service, saving the Hinds County thousands of dollars.
  • Privatize inmate medical, saving the Hinds County thousands of dollars.
  • Purchase of new Voting Machines.

  • Signed a contract on 12/19/2012 to add broad band to county.
  • Voted to keep Sheriff budget intact.
  • Voted to give sheriff deputy pay raise.
  • Voted to give county employee $125 pay raise.
  • Voted to purchase a new fleet of patrol cars.
  • Voted to purchase new voting machines.
  • Voted to hire new Emergency Operation Center Director.
  • Gave weather radios to senior citizens.
  • Implemented new re-districting plan.
  • Won lawsuit against redistricting.
  • Implemented a quality assurance purchasing plan.
  • Voted to lower employee insurance deductible plan.
  • Started a new customer service directory for District One.
  • Elected as President of Board of Supervisors for four-year term.
  • Elected as President of Board of Supervisors Minority Caucus.
  • Voted to increase the counties reserve fund.
  • Implemented storm ready.
  • Implemented a media point messaging system.
  • Voted to give the District Attorney a new investigator.
  • Voted to give the Tax Assessor a new vehicle.
  • Voted to give County Judge a Court Clerk.
  • Voted to purchase online video arraignment.
  • Voted to purchase tasers for County Constables.
  • Voted to spray mosquitoes to prevent West Nile Virus.
  • Voted to give employee premium rebate from insurance plan.
  • Voted to give Jackson CDC $25,000.00.
  • Voted to increase funds to the Farish Street Festival.
  • Voted to renew the garbage contract with Waste Pro.
  • Increased security in Chancery Court Building.
  • Placed weather radios in all county buildings.
  • Voted to give City of Jackson $52,000.00 out of District 1's recreational fund for Tougaloo Park.
  • Repaved Tougaloo Park walking trail.
  • Voted to hire project manager to oversee jail reconstruction.
  • Voted to support Charles McClelland as Commissioner of the South West Athletic Conference (SWAC).
  • Voted to ask Municipalities to pay inmate housing.
  • Implemented new inmate medical program.
  • Supported AT&T "no texting while driving" campaign.
  • Promoted resolution to honor Josh Mays (America's Top Chef).
  • Voted against sagging pants ordinance.
  • Voted to place all county claim documents on the website.
  • Voted to explore action on the lack of highway funds being received by the county.
  • Appointed Rev. Ronald Moore to the Mental Health Board.
  • Voted to approve the 1 Lake Project.
  • Voted to the honor former Chief Deputy Eddie Sweeny.
  • Voted to honor Marvin Henderson the "Above and Beyond Award."
  • Voted to allow Byram to activate 3 county sirens.
  • Appointed to the MPO Board.
  • Voted for Resolution to keep US Airways in Hinds County.
  • Voted to keep post offices open in Hinds County.
  • Voted to allow security gate at Viewpointe and Bellwood.
  • Voted to approve John Calhoun to College Board.
  • Motion to approve four new types of therapy for ambulance service.
  • Motion to rename the Federal Building in honor of the following Civil Rights Workers: James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and Roy K. Moore.
  • Set-up a policy for video conferencing.
  • Purchased 3 fire trucks.
  • Approved the contract for Waste Pro.
  • Voted to give the Baptist Hospital authority to apply for two grants that deal with electrical backup systems.
  • Voted to fully implement Phase II Communication.
  • Voted to appoint Sherri Flowers to be Hinds County's Attorney.
  • Appointed the 1st Female County Administrator for Hinds County.
  • Approved: Interoperable with MEMA to allow them to be on our radio frequency.
  • Appropriated $1.1 million for Justice Court.
  • Approved $900,000.00 for the New Training / Dispatch Center for the Sheriff's Department.
  • Approved $500,000.00  for Updating Sirens.
  • Approved repavement of Watkins Drive.
  • Approved activation of Clinton Police Dept. radios.
  • Approved the Lead Group the $2 Million needed to complete the Sleep Inn.
  • Recognition of LeMarc Humphrey for his heroic actions by saving the instructor from JSU.
  • Raised over $4,000.00 for the citizens of Haiti with the "Hinds for Haiti" fundraiser.
  • Voted for the First African American EOC Director, Mr. Jimmie Lewis.
  • Nominated and got passed by a vote of 4 to 1, the First African American Female County Attorney.
  • Set up electronic banking procedure with Trustmark Bank.
  • Implement a policy that all "new hire" County employees must have a 4 hour sexual harassment training class. ( Voted and agreed upon by the board).
  • Helped in implementing a system called CMS, which enables the booking process to be more organized and expedient at the Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Court.
  • Voted to add electronic payment system in the Justice Court System.
  • Recognized Deputy Tim Keen for displaying uncommon courage with the rescue of Ms. McCroy from her burning home, by presenting him with a Letter of Commendation signed by all the members of The Hinds County Board of Supervisors and a Certificate of Appreciation .
  • Approved the pay increase for Jail Nurses.
  • At my recommendation, had sanitizers placed throughout the county offices.
  • Voted for the acceptance of The City of Jackson 911 Recommendation.
  • Voted for the approval of an additional warning siren from Homeland Security.
  • Voted to approve the purchase of three warning sirens.
  • Voted for the Janitorial to Contract Best Solved Solutions.
  • Voted the approval to donate cars to the Sherriff Department.
  • Made an appointment and motion was passed to Move forward with Phase II Communications on July 7, 2009 Board Meeting. (Phase II is Caller ID for you cellular phone. It will allow the police department to locate you if you are in a unfamiliar place within 1/2 the length of a football field).
  • Instrumental in reducing the medical costs at the Hinds County Jail.
  • Voted to purchase four new vehicles for District Attorney Investigators.
  • Direct communications between the Hinds Sherriff's Oiffice dispatch and Jackson Police Department dispatch.
  • Facilitated the inter-local agreements to allow the following agencies access to Hinds County radio frequencies: Milsaps College, Tougaloo College, Belhaven College, Jackson Public Schools, and District Attorney’s Office.
  • Created the Hinds County Parks and Recreation Board.
  • Initiated Hinds County Radio System Audit.
  • Requested additional funds for street paving in Northeast Jackson.
  • Implementation of Phase II Communications (911 mobile phone technology).
  • City of Jackson and Hinds County radio system merger.
  • Credit Card processing in Tax Collectors office.
  • Signed resolution in support of the Two Lakes Project.
  • Voted for Sheriff's Department pay raises (the largest pay increase given to date).
  • Instrumental in getting Inmate Detail website online for public viewing on the website.
  • Met with all judges in reference to reducing cost of inmate medical.
  • Voted to lease Sheriff Department vehicles.
  • Voted to increase jail nurses’ salaries.
  • Voted for Hathorne Pest Control contract.
  • Voted to open 132 beds at the County Jail.
  • Voted to give Judges more staff and computer equipment.
  • Voted for check cashing equipment in county facilities.
  • Voted to increase Sheriff's Deputies' salaries' .
  • Voted to award Garbage Disposal contract to Allied Waste.
  • Appointed Charles Doty and Mark McCreery to Hinds County Economic Board.
  • Voted against current Parking Garage plan.
  • Voted against the Valley Title Building project.
  • Seconded the nomination for Supervisor Phil Fisher as Vice President for the Board.
  • Nominated Supervisor Peggy Calhoun as President of the Board.
  • Facilitated the inter-local agreements to allow the following agencies access to Hinds County radio frequencies: University Medical Center, Jackson State University, Jackson-Evers Municipal Airport.

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On April 4, 2008 several tornadoes devastated the North Jackson area. It was at that time that Supervisor Graham was first made aware of the poor condition of the County’s Emergency Alerting System. Since that time, he has diligently led the charge to secure funding to repair and/or replace as many sirens in the County as possible.

In August, Hinds County received a $550,000 grant from MEMA to replace all of the sirens. According to the grant, the sirens must be replaced in increments of 10. An implementation plan has been mapped out to replace the sirens that are broken and in need of serious repair first. Following that stage the remaining sirens will be replaced according to age. There are seven sirens that will not need replacing. The first ten to be replaced are:

  • Harris Street/Vine Street (Jackson)
  • Duling Avenue/Old Canton Road (Jackson)
  • Northgate Boulevard/Watkins Drive (Jackson)
  • Percy V. Simpson/Sunset Drive (Jackson)
  • Medgar Evers Boulevard/Presidential Drive (Jackson)
  • Magnolia Road/West Hill Drive (Jackson)
  • Hwy 18 South/TV Road (Jackson)
  • Holly Hill Drive/Old Lake Red. (Jackson)
  • 1570 Terry Road (Jackson)

The sirens were replaced with the Federal Signal’s Modulator siren series. Some of the new sirens features include:

  • Omni-directional
  • Voice communication
  • Continued emergency operation regardless of power failure
  • Easy servicing

Special thanks to Congressman Bennie Thompson for his participation and assistance with this project.

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  • Appointed Lenard Jenkins to the to the Zoning Board.
  • Appointed Cindy Henry to the Human Services Board.
  • Leonard Jenkins- Hinds County Human Resource Agency
  • Earline Strickland – Hinds County Library Commission 
  • Porter Ross – Hinds County Mental Health Commission 
  • Charles Doty and Dr. Hilliard Lackey – Hinds County Economic Development Board 

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District One Supports 2010 US Census
Lake Hico Park Walking Trail Improvements Project.

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The blue area on the map indicates boundaries for District 1.

Population of District 1 = 50,747
Registered Voters = 33,449

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