Mission Statement
The Hinds County Soil and Water Conservation District works to carry out a cooperative program to conserve, improve and wisely use our land and its related natural resources for the long-term benefits for all urban and rural citizens.
What is a Conservation District?
The Hinds County Soil and Water Conservation District is a subdivision of state government that is responsible for conserving natural resources within the county. The district, along with nearly 3,000 conservation districts nationwide, provides assistance to its citizens through cooperation with federal, state and local agencies, businesses and civic organizations.
The Hinds County Soil and Water Conservation District was formed on August 15, 1940. The district's goal is to help people in the wise management of land and natural resources by offering technical assistance and information. The conservation district governing board is comprised of local citizens who volunteer to represent farmers, landowners, educators, businesses, land users and all citizens, young and old, in the district. The board ensures a local voice in natural resource issues.
District activities include technical field assistance, urban development projects, environmental education and information programs and recognition programs to acknowledge people who practice land stewardship, along with a variety of other services.
* denotes educational programs
** Rental Rates Apply
Hinds County Soil & Water Conservation District
Board Meetings 2020
January 21
April 14
July 14
October 13
Our meetings begin at 10:00 am and they are public meetings. Please contact Wyvette Robinson at 601-718-2885 if you desire to speak or present at the meeting.
Seminars and Events
Please check back for seminar schedule!
Pre-tree sale
The District conducts a Pre-tree sale each year in the fall. We offer for pre-purchase bare-root seedlings of fruit, hardwood and ornamental trees as well as landscape bushes. This is a service we provide to citizens with active district memberships. For more information please call the office.
Annual Tree Sale
Our 45th Annual Tree Sale will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm or until the trees run out. The location is 322 New Market Drive, Jackson, MS 39209. For more information contact Wyvette Robinson at 601-718-2885 or email swcdhindscounty@gmail.com. The flyer with all the details is attached. Tree Sale Flyer
Arbor Day Activities
We are planning Arbor Day Activities for school students throughout Hinds County. This event is for third grade students who attend public or private schools. The activity consists of a presentation on the importance of trees and students will receive a pine seedling to take home to plant. Educators can schedule an event for February 3rd through 6th. For more information contact Wyvette Robinson at 601-718-2885 or email swcdhindscounty@gmail.com. The flyer with all the details is attached. Tree Plantin Flyer
Annual Poster and Essay Contest
Theme: Watersheds, Our Water, Our Home
Deadline is Friday, April 6, 2018
3rd - 12th Grade Students |
7th -12th Grade Students |
Official Poster Contest Rules | Official Essay Contest Rules |
Poster Contest Entry Form | Essay Contest Entry Form |
Essay Contest Cover Sheet | |
Hinds County Plat Directories

Hinds County plat directories, which show land ownership and parcel numbers, are available through the Hinds County Soil and Water Conservation District for $50.00 each. Each plat book contains information on landowner names, parcel numbers, acreage, township / range / section, index of owners, road maps, city limits, incorporated areas and other information. Come by the Hinds County Conservation District Office (322 New Market Drive, off of Hwy 18 in Jackson) to pick up a copy.