Justice Court


The mission of the Justice Court Clerk's office is to effectively serve the public by processing civil actions not to exceed $3,500.00 and misdemeanor criminal charges in accordance with Title 9, Chapter 11 (Annotated Mississippi Code).


  • Derived from Medieval Englands Justice of the Peace System. English concept sought settlement of local disputes by someone from the community.
  • Early Americans brought this system of dispensing justice to the colonies. The basic principal of having someone from the community serve as judge for small claims is in tact.
  • Early JPs in MS were compensated on a fee basis. No training requirements. No formal place to hold court/ Little guidance on court operations.
  • 1981 Brown vs. Vance, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit held justice court civil jurisdiction unconstitutional.
  • MS State Legislature Enacted Law Establishing Today's JC System
    • System has been in effect since January 1, 1984
    • Changed title from "Justice of the Peace" to "Justice Court Judge"
    • Placed justice court judge on salary
    • Established position for justice court clerk
    • Provided mandatory training for judges and clerks
    • Established rules for conducting court business

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Small Claims Filing Fees
(Effective July 1, 2022)
Affidavit for Open Account, Summons to Tenant, Summons in Replevins
Number of Defendant(s) Total Cost
1 $85.00 **
2 $100.00 **
3 $115.00 **


$130.00 **

(For each additional DEFENDANT served in Hinds County, an increment of $15.00 is added to the initial filing fee)

Second Action Filing Fee
(After Judgment has been Rendered)
 Warrants of Removal, Writ of Replevin, Etc.
Number of Defendant(s) Total Cost State & County Garnishments Cost
1 $70.00 $72.00
2 $85.00  
3 $100.00
4 $115.00
Criminal Affidavits
Peace Bonds
Number of Defendant(s)   Cost  
1 $80.00
Only one (1) defendant per affidavit

TICKETS ISSUED BY CONSTABLES - Add an additional $55.00 to the total fine.

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The distinction between civil and criminal cases is an important one. In a civil case, a trial or contested matter occurs between two or more persons, while in a criminal case, the trial is between the State of Mississippi and a person accused of committing a crime. This is true even when a criminal case is begun by the victim of a crime filing an affidavit charging someone with criminal activity.

If an individual appears before a justice court judge or clerk and wants to file a complaint, the person should be asked whether he wishes to file a criminal charge or civil suit. If the complaining party is seeking recovery of a money judgment against another person he should be told that to do so will require him to file a civil complaint requesting the recovery of money. If, on the other hand, the conduct of which he is complaining involves the violation of a criminal statute and he wishes to begin a criminal proceeding, he should be told that the procedure will involve his making out an affidavit charging criminal activity as defined by Mississippi law. Where probable cause is shown in the affidavit to believe that the person charged committed the crime, the accused will be arrested, tried, and if found guilty, punished as prescribed by law. The punishment may include fines and/or confinement. Some form of restitution to the victim may or may not be forthcoming if the accused is found guilty.

There are times when the wrong which has been done might give rise to either a civil suit or criminal charge or both. But the justice court judge must keep in mind the distinction, for it is improper for criminal process to be used to collect a civil debt or damages. Every justice court judge should be familiar with the case of State Ex Rel. Richardson v. Edgeworth, 214 So.2d 579 (Miss. 1968). In this case, our state Supreme Court held that justice court judges who permitted people to sign criminal affidavits for collection of debts without advising them of the criminal nature of the documents; who permitted criminal affidavits to be signed in blank without requiring affiants to appear to make their sworn statements; who solicited collection of accounts through their deputy sheriffs and constables; and who used criminal processes for collection of civil debts; were guilty of intentional abuse of process and would be liable for damages caused by their actions.

Although criminal prosecutions cannot be used for collection of civil debts, 99-15-51 of the Mississippi Code as amended in 1988 does authorize a dismissal of petty misdemeanor cases where the party injured appears before the judge and acknowledges to have received satisfaction. The prosecuting attorney must make a motion for the case to be dismissed and the judge must determine that the ends of justice will be served by the dismissal. The proceedings may then be dismissed upon payment of all costs, presumably by the defendant.

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In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, under the direction of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors, Justice Court has the ability to utilize remote conferencing, as needed.
These video conferences are accessible through Hinds County's LifeSize Video Conferencing System and Meeting Room Solutions via the Internet and desktop and mobile apps available for download.
Mississippi Center for Justice's Consumer Protection Division has developed step-by-step guides, provided below, to aid residents in successfully logging onto the LifeSize system to attend hearings. Should you need special accommodations or cannot access the virtual hearing for any reason, please contact the Hinds County Justice Court (601) 965-8800 as soon as possible.
How to attend your virtual hearing at Hinds County Justice Court:

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The Navigator Program

Have you received a summons to appear before the Hinds County Justice Court? Are you wondering what’s next or how to prepare yourself? Do you need help navigating the justice court system? The Hinds County Board of Supervisors is supportive of increased access to the justice court system for the residents of Hinds County.

Effective February 19, 2019 the Board of Supervisors approved Mississippi Center for Justice (MCJ), a nonprofit, public interest law firm committed to advancing racial and economic justice, to provide free services to Hinds County residents through the Navigator Program.

The Navigator Program provides assistance and support to unrepresented litigants in the justice court system. Individuals, called navigators, are trained to help litigants understand the justice court process and guide them to resources.

The views and opinions expressed in connection with the Navigator Program or its materials are those of the Mississippi Center for Justice and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors, Hinds County Justice Court Judges, Hinds County affiliates, or Hinds County employees.



For more information or if you have questions about the Navigator Program contact 769-230-8038 or visit https://mscenterforjustice.org/ online.
Drug Court Program

The Hinds County Justice Court implemented the first Misdemeanor Drug Court in the State of Mississippi. It was established October, 2005 under the Alyce Griffin Clark Drug Court Act. The program received its three year operational certification from the Mississippi Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts in March, 2006. The Hinds County Justice Court Drug Court follows the Ten Key Components established by the Drug Court Program Office of the United States Department of Justice.

For more information about the Hinds County Justice Drug Court, please contact Program Director Gail Brown, gailbrown@co.hinds.ms.us.

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Justice Court

Patricia Woods
Justice Court Clerk

Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
(Except on legal holidays)

407 East Pascagoula St.
Jackson, MS 39205
601-965-8800 (P)
601-973-5532 (F)
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3490
Jackson, MS 39207

Map to Our Office


Bria Perry, Collections Manager



Criminal & Small Claims: 601-965-8800 (P)
Collections/Partial Payment: 601-965-8819 (P)
Accounting: 601-965-8810 (P)