Fall Severe Weather Preparedness Week - October 27-31, 2014

The National Weather Service is focusing on Severe Weather Preparedness this week. Being ready for severe weather is not just for the spring season. Tornadoes and other forms of severe weather can happen year round, day or night.  There is a surprising statistic, at least to the average person, that late autumn also has a surge of severe weather.  This "second season" occurs mainly across the southeast section of the United States, with November being the month with the highest number of fall severe weather incidents, including tornadoes.

Attached is a brochure from the National Weather Service which provides a large amount of information about the types of severe weather, the hazards and safety precautions that will be helpful to you and your family.

There will be a statewide tornado drill on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 9:15 a.m. Take the opportunity to practice your severe weather plans during this time.  Hinds County will not be sounding the sirens during this drill.